End-to-End Dental Solutions, for Practitioners & Dental Laboratories

Temporary Abutment for Nobel Branemark


DESS® Dental temporary abutments for dental implants

Temporary abutments are prefabricated prosthetic components with a direct connection to the dental implant. They are used for multiple or single screw-retained temporary restorations during the healing period.

DESS® Dental Temporary Abutments are made of Titanium Grade 5 ELI and are an essential component for dental restorations. Their parallel grooves allow for superior adhesion to any restorative material.

They feature a chimney height of 10.5 mm so that they can be cut to the desired size or length depending on the restoration. They are available for the widest range of dental implants on the market and in a variety of implant platforms (NP, RP and WP), in both non-engaging versions for single restorations and engaging versions for multiple screw-retained prostheses. All prosthetic abutments include retention screws.

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